Our 6th Annual Sale is set down for July 7. This year we are offering for sale 50 Bulls, plus several lines of commercial females and some unique genetic packages. A first for Lucrana will be the offering of Black Simmental bulls from our recently established Black Simmental breeding program.
The bull draft is represented by 10 different natural service and A.I sires.
Undoubtedly one of the features of this years sale offering are the first sons of Lucrana Hunter(P). Hunter is proving to be a sire that is stamping his progeny with the tremendous temperament, muscling and skin type that he possesses. Another highlight are the 3 polled sons of our leading donor, Lucrana Elsa. Over 80% of the bulls are polled.
Females & Genetic Packages
Several pens of outstanding quality commercial heifers that are ready to join make up the female portion of this years’ sale offering. While a flush package in St Pauls Dream Lucy E431, to a sire of the purchasers choice, is one of the genetic packages for sale on the day. E431 is a recent addition to the Lucrana breeding herd. An eye catching female, that has been described by many as the most complete Black Simmental female they have seen .
To date her progeny are proving to be as impressive as she is herself.