11th Annual Lucrana Simmentals on Property sale


Lucrana Simmental On Property Sale is on 12 PM, Friday August 12th 2022. This year we have a very good offering of:

54 BULLS ON OFFER comprising

33 Traditional and Red Bulls
21 Black Simmental Bulls

Lucrana Simmentals 11th Annual On Property Sale

This year we have elected for a slightly later Sale date and have brought forward a selection of bulls for your competition that we are proud of. The bulls will present in great working order with the 2020 drop grazing an oats crop since the start of May. I believe there would be something in the draft to suit most buyers.

The Simmental breed continues to go from strength to strength as the breed cements its position as the ‘The European Breed’ of choice, with increased numbers of bulls being offered at auction and new Sales appearing on the calendar.

The hard won increased market share that Simmental is currently enjoying is the result of Simmie stud breeders marketing bulls that sire versatile early maturing progeny in crossbreeding programs that can be finished off grass or grain in to premium markets. I would encourage prospective bull buyers to not lose sight of this and buy from breeders producing this type. At Lucrana I believe we have a track record of selling robust bulls that produce progeny desired by the market for the best part of 4 decades.

This year there is an increased number of Black Simmentals in the draft as this segment of the Lucrana herd continues to expand. I continue to be amazed at the performance of the solid coloured Simmentals. They are born easy, yet possess explosive early growth with great carcase qualities.

As always I welcome any pre-sale enquiries or inspections and look forward to catching up on sale day.

Andrew Moore

Sale is Online as well

Once again this year we are providing a live broadcast of the sale via Elite Livestock Auctions. You can watch and place bids from anywhere that has internet coverage, from a Tablet, Phone, Laptop or PC. Click on the Elite Livestock Logo to register.

For more info contact:

Stud Principal

Andrew Moore

Andrew Moore

0428 535 154

Click here to email me

Sale Catalogue

Click the image and the catalogue will open in a new tab as a PDF the file is only 1.63MB in size

Supplementary Calagoue

Click the image and it will download an XL spread sheet. The XL sheet is only 14KB in size.

Watch the Pre Sale Video

Below is the current video of Pre Sale Video for 11th Annual Lucrana Simmentals on Property sale.

YouTube video

Bull Catalogue Video Gallery

Below is a current image of each bull in this years Lucrana Simmentals On Property Sale in the lot number order they are catalogued in. Click on any image to view the bulls video.

Contact your Preferred Selling Agent

CL Squires & Co

Robbie Bloch CL Squires and Co Inverell

Robbie Bloch

02 6722 2588

0409 191 229

Click here to email me

Stud Principal

Andrew Moore

Andrew Moore

Nutrien Ag Solutions

Colby Ede

Colby Ede

07 4671 1155

0417 265 980

Sale Is Also Online

We have you covered if you cannot make it to the ‘Popgun’ property for sale day. You can watch the sale and bid from your phone, tablet or computer via the sale interfaced with Elite Livestock Auctions.

Directions to Property

From Texas take Riverton Rd for 35kms. From Bonshaw head towards Yetman for 8kms, turn right at Bonshaw Weir Rd then right onto Riverton Rd for 11kms. From Tenterfield, 7kms past Mingoola turn right at Hynes Bridge turn off then left into Riverton Rd for approx. 35kms.

Lucrana Simmentals On Property Sale directions


All bulls have passed a Semen Test and Breeding Soundness Evaluation.

Herd Health

The Lucrana herd is JBAS 7 and in a Cattle Tick Free area. Interstate movement of cattle is guaranteed.


BEF – 10/02/22 & 9/03/22
Pestigard – 7/06/22 & 7/07/22
Vibriovax – 7/06/22 & 7/07/22
7 in 1 twice – Booster – 7/07/22 (2020 Drop)
Tick Fever – 17/06/22

Tests: Negative Pestivirus PI Test

DNA Tests

All Lots have been Poll/Horn and Colour DNA Tested. Some results have been returned by the Lab, and these are reported in the catalogue. It is anticipated that the remaining results will be available prior to the sale.

All results will be included in the supplementary catalogue.

Docility Score

You will notice in this years catalogue all Lots have a Docility Score


Each time the bulls have come through the crush since weaning, they have been scored for Docility using the following scale:

  1. Docile
  2. Restless
  3. Nervous
  4. Flighty
  5. Aggressive

The score in the catalogue is an average of these past scores.


We are continually striving to provide as much as objective data as possible so our buyers can make better informed decisions. Assessing the temperament of individual Lots on sale day can sometimes be misleading. And we also understand that producers have differing requirements on what is an acceptable level of docility.


This score relates directly to the animal. This differs from Breedplan Docility EBV’s that are an estimate of the genetic potential of the animal for that trait by additionally taking into account the performance of relatives as well as the individual’s score.

Sale Information

Inspections: From 9AM Sale Day or by prior arrangement

Agents Rebate: 2% outside agents rebate is offered to agents introducing buyers 24hrs prior to the sale and settling on their behalf within 7 days

Catering: Barbecue lunch and refreshments provided.

Phone Bidding: The selling complex is located in a reliable Mobile coverage area. Contact the
selling agents to place a phone bid.

Delivery: Lucrana Simmentals offer free delivery to major saleyards which are on delivery routes for other Lots within QLD and Northern NSW (as far south as Tamworth & Gunnedah). This service is to be negotiated between the vendors and successful purchaser and is provided at the convenience of the vendors.

Own Transport Rebate: A rebate of $150+gst will be deducted off the purchase price of any Lot if the purchaser takes delivery on the day of the sale in their own transport, or a carrier organised and paid for by themselves.

Bull Preparation: All bulls have been prepared on Rumevite Beef Weaner Pellets.

Handling: The bulls have been worked with bikes and dogs and also exposed to horses.

Transfers: Please indicate on the Buyers Instruction Slip if a ASBA registered animal is required to be transferred.

Safety Disclaimer: The owners, employees and representatives of Lucrana accept no liability for any accidents that may occur at the Lucra le Complex. Persons attending the Lucrana Sale do so at their own risk.