Lucrana Simmental On Property Sale is on 12 PM, Friday July 2nd 2021. This year we have a very good offering of:
45 BULLS ON OFFER comprising
35 Traditional and Red Bulls
10 Black Simmental Bulls
Lucrana Simmentals 10th Annual On Property Sale
This is our 10th year of on-property sales. This year’s 45-lot catalogue features 10 black Simmental (which have been offered by Lucrana since 2017), and for the first time 8 yearlings bulls and a line of 9 bulls from Victorian stud breeder Don Mathieson, Brenair Park stud.
Yearling Bulls:
As we all recover from the 2019/20 drought and breeders rebuild there breeding herds, currently there’s a lot of demand for heifer bulls. Wanting to maintain Sale numbers for our clients we have decided to offer a line of yearling bulls for the first time.
These younger bulls are well suited to heifers, as all of them are themselves out of first-calf heifers so they have the low birthweight genetics behind them.
We have clients from the Northern Rivers who buy one bull, and the yearlings are a good opportunity to get new genetics earlier. I’m anticipating that they wouldn’t be suitable for the blokes with big paddocks, but they’re perfect for the smaller producers – they still have the same high quality genetics, and the potential to do well in any herd, provided they looked after in their first year.
Brenair Park Bulls
Again whilst we all rebuild our herds, but wanting to maintain sale numbers for our clients I have selected and invited another stud to offer a line of bulls at the sale.
Brenair Park are a stud that has been at the forefront of introducing new Fleckvieh Simmental bloodlines into Australia for decades, and the bulls on offer are the product of an outstanding cow herd. It’s our first time with an outside vendor, and we see it as an opportunity to present our clients with some alternative Simmental bloodlines that I am happy to recommend.
Pre-Sale Inspections
For those that would like to arrange a pre-sale inspection or discuss a particular Lot or any aspect of the sale, please feel free to contact myself or one of the selling agents.
Andrew Moore
Sale is Online as well
Once again this year we are providing a live broadcast of the sale via Elite Livestock Auctions. You can watch and place bids from anywhere that has internet coverage, from a Tablet, Phone, Laptop or PC. Click on the Elite Livestock Logo to register.
For more info contact:
Sale and Supplementary Catalogues
Bull Video Gallery
Below is a current image and video of each bull in this years Lucrana Simmentals On Property Sale in the lot number order they are catalogued in. Click on an image to see the video and to scroll through the gallery.
Lot 1 – Lucrana Q22 Lot 2 – Lucrana Qantas(P) Lot 3 – Lucrana Q53(P) Lot 4 – Lucrana Q47(P) Lot 5 – Lucrana Q24 Lot 6 Lucrana Q147 Lot 7 Lucrana Quigley(P) Lot 8 – Lucrana Q56(P) Lot 9 – Lucrana Q119 Lot 10 – Lucrana Q41(P) Lot 11 – Lucrana Q202(P) Lot 12 – Lucrana Q29(P) Lot 13 – Lucrana Q31(P) Lot 14 – Lucrana Q51(P) Lot 15 Lucrana Q23 Lot 16 – Lucrana Q132(P) Lot 17 – Lucrana Q99 Lot 18 Brenair Park Quirk Q123 Lot 19 – Brenair Park Quinn Q176 Lot 20 Brenair Park Quinella Q159 Lot 21 – Lucrana Radar(P) Lot 22 – Lucrana R06(P) Lot 23 Lucrana R31 (P) Lot 24 Lucrana R09 (Sc) Lot 25 Lucrana R07 (P) Lot 26 Lucrana R05 Lot 27 Lucrana R27 Lot 28 Lucrana R32 Lot 29 Brenair Park Rossi R40 Lot 30 Brenair Park Rover R004 Lot 31 Brenair Park Rubin R054 (P) Lot 32 Brenair Park Rolano R029 (P) Lot 33 Brenair Park Radar R055 Lot 34 Brenair Park Ralf R083 Lot 35 Lucrana Q100 (Sc) Lot 36 Lucrana Q36 (P) Lot 37 Lucrana P100 (P) Lot 38 Lucrana Q275 (P) Lot 39 Lucrana Q278 (P) Lot 40 Lucrana Q271 (P) Lot 41 Lucrana Q276 (P) Lot 42 Lucrana Q274 (P) Lot 43 Lucrana Q101 (P) Lot 44 Lucrana Q275 (P)
Contact your Preferred Selling Agent
Nutrien Ag Solutions

Colby Ede
07 4671 1155
0417 265 980
Directions to Property
Popgun is located at 3087 Riverton Road Texas QLD. You can also click or tap on the map below and it will open Google maps where you can get directions, the fastest route from your location to the property, and the trip time from your location.

All Bulls Semen tested and Vet Soundness Evaluated
Herd Health
The Lucrana herd is JBAS 7 and in a cattle Tick Free area. Bulls are Tick Fever vaccinated.
Sale Information
INSPECTIONS: Inspection from 9am Sale Day or by prior arrangement.
AGENTS REBATE: 2% outside agents rebate is offered to agents introducing buyers 24hrs prior to the sale and settling on their behalf within 7 days.
CATERING: A light lunch will be provided, however no after sale refreshments will be provided.
PHONE BIDDING: The selling complex is located in a reliable mobile coverage area. Contact the selling agents to place a phone bid.
DELIVERY: Lucrana Simmentals offer free delivery to major saleyards which are on delivery routes for other Lots within QLD and Northern NSW (as far south as Tamworth & Gunnedah). This service is to be negotiated between the vendors and the successful purchaser and is only provided at the convenience of the vendors.
OWN TRANSPORT FREIGHT REBATE: A rebate of $150 + GST will be deducted off the purchase price of any lot, where the purchaser takes delivery on sale day in their own transport or a carrier organised and paid for by themselves.
BULL PREPARATION: All Bulls have been prepared on a Rumevite Beef Weaner Pellet with free access to Barley straw.
HANDLING: The bulls have been worked with bikes and dogs, and also exposed to horses.
TRANSFERS: Please indicate on the Buyers Instruction Slip, if an animal is required to be A.S.B.A transferred.
INSURANCE: Insurance representatives will be in attendance on the day. We recommend that buyers intending to insure their purchases do so from the fall of the hammer.
AUCTION TERMS & CONDITIONS: The auction will be conducted under the Australian Livestock & Property Agents Association (ALPA) Livestock Auctions Terms & Conditions of Sale which will be displayed in the agents sale office on the day of the sale.
SAFETY DISCLAIMER: The owners, employees and representatives of Lucrana accept no liability for any accidents that may occur at the Lucrana Sale Complex. Persons attending the sale do so at their own risk.